Five Disney Hot Takes and Unpopular Opinions

All Disney fans have their own favorite rides, snacks, and souvenirs. But there are some opinions that seem to be held by the majority. Here are five of my Disney hot takes and unpopular opinions.
Hot Take #1
Rice Krispie treats should be skipped

There. I said it. I’m getting this one off of my chest early. It’s a Rice Krispie treat. Granted, EVERYTHING is cuter when it is Mickey-shaped, but there are so many better options. Get a Mickey caramel apple. You may have to see the dentist when you get home, but you’ll at least be keeping the doctor away. Get a Mickey Premium ice cream bar. Is it overpriced? Yes. Is it going to melt ALL OVER THE PLACE? Uh, definitely. But it’s hard to beat a Mickey Premium bar photo. There are very few things that I don’t eat. I don’t like beef jerky. I don’t like cottage cheese. And I don’t like Rice Krispie treats, Mickey-shaped or no.
Hot Take #2
Spirit Jerseys are Weird

I do not get spirit jerseys. I know, I know! They are all the rage, but I DO NOT GET IT! Spirit jerseys are bulky! They are not flattering on anyone!!They are like $80!!! It is TOO HOT to wear them most of the year in Florida. Wouldn’t you rather purchase something you could comfortably wear around the parks? Some of the designs are cute. Why can’t the spirit jersey designs also be on t-shirts?
Hot Take #3
Hakuna Matata is overrated
Hakuna Matata is overrated.
The song, not the sentiment. It is easily 5th among the big songs from the 1994 Lion King film. Don’t get me wrong, the message is great. But the 5th best out of, what are there, 5? 5 big songs in The Lion King? So LAST? Dare I say, the worst? It’s a no for me. I’d rather just listen to Circle of Life on a loop. There is a possibility that I feel this way because Pumba the warthog just grosses me out. Because he does.
Hot Take #4
It's A Small World is a Treasure
I love It’s a Small World. In my book, it is a MUST DO. I know this is not everyone’s favorite ride. It’s not even MY favorite ride. But did you even go to Magic Kingdom if you didn’t ride Small World and have to deal with the Sherman Brothers’ ear worm for the rest of the day/trip/your life? It is an opening day attraction with iconic artwork and stylization (thank you, Mary Blair), and one whose message is probably more pertinent now than ever. Plus, some of those animatronics are super adorable.
Hot Take #5
The Contemporary is the least cool Deluxe Resort

The Bay Lake Tower Theme Park View rooms are admittedly great. The Mary Blair mural is even better. And I would never turn down Brunch at the Top. But am I the only one who doesn’t think that the Monorail running through the main building is a perk? Also, Chef Mickey’s is SO LOUD. And the decor just seems so…dated. The theme just seems to be, uh, Convention center? With the Grand Floridian Walkway under construction, pretty soon the biggest perk of staying at the Contemporary (being able to walk to the Magic Kingdom) is not something that it will be able to claim exclusivity to. I just think that, for the hefty price tag, there are superior Disney resorts.

There you have it! My 5 hot takes and unpopular opinions about some Disney favorites. Do you agree with any of my takes? Have I insulted any of your favorites? If you want to eat a Rice Krispy treat in your spirit jersey at the Contemporary, all while listening to Hakuna Matata, do not let me stop you. You. Do. You. You can find me on It’s a Small World.