Who Are We?

Welcome! We are Beth and Mike and “we would be honored if you would join us.” We are Disney Premiere Passport holders and Universal Orlando APs who love the parks, particularly the villains and the cocktails (hence the villains and vice).
Our hope is to entertain, as well as inform through the blog as well as through our YouTube channel and social media accounts. We promise to bring you videos, reviews, tips, and all-around fun ways to enjoy the parks and beyond. Come along and I swear that we won’t take ourselves too seriously or subject you to anything TOO nefarious.
Hi! My name is Beth (or Bethany or BDubs, depending on who you are asking). I’m a graduate of the University of Virginia (which may seem like superfluous information, but it is a huge part of who I am). I’m not going to tell you which year I graduated in, but we downloaded our music on Napster when I was in school. Legally.
What do I do with my degrees? I breed ponies. Yep, ponies. I’m pretty much living the dream. When I am able to get away from the farm, I love to theme park it up. And bar hop. And eat. Lots of eating.
I have loved Disney for as long as I can remember. I’m not an overly emotional person, but Disney has a way of pulling those tears. It really is magical.
Beth’s Taste of Vacation: Lapu Lapu

Hi! Most of the time my name is Mike, but something magical happens when I am not working and I turn in to “Vacation Mike,” who is an entirely different character.
I’m a radiologist by da…nope, by night. I specialize in emergency radiology and I work an overnight schedule. I work hard to play hard and my favorite places to do the latter are Disney World and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
While I am pretty new to the Disney scene (gasp!), I was the one who turned Beth on to Harry Potter. She was, dare I say, anti-HP for a long time. She has finally seen the err of her ways, even if she does root for Voldemort.
Mike’s Taste of Vacation: Schöferhoffer grapefruit (or Schraderbräu, as Mike likes to call it).